Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Level 3 Treat McDonalds

 Today After my dad finished work he came home with a surprise late lunch for us. McDonalds!! I was talking to Miss Gaston and my class friends in Room 27 and he came home with some I told my class that I’m gonna have some after my class meet. I was so excited and happy. It was so delicious. 

Then my Aunty and my Nana delivered some more McDonalds for us for our dinner so I had McDonalds two times! I am so full now my mum said I have to go for a walk tomorrow to get fit after all the Happy meals I ate.


  1. Hi Cullai,
    You deserve a yummy treat, especially after all the learning and blogging (including leaving kind comments on other peoples blogs) that you have been doing during lockdown!
    Well Done you!
    From Miss Davis

    1. Hi Ms Davis Thank you I like to leave a message for my friends on their blog so they can have a surprise message. Bye Ms Davis be safe.


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