Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Bedtime Reading

 This is my favourite book to read my Aunty Sieni got this book for me on my birthday when I was 6 years old. It’s facts about Amazing Places in the world I like reading about the volcanoes in Hawaii and the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan. I wish I could go to all these places to see these cool things.


  1. Hi Cullai your book looks interesting Amazing places keep up the awesome work I hope you have a good day my friend, miss you buddy!

    1. Hi Tolati thanks for your comment I miss you and all our friends lucky we get to see each other on our class meets. You are the best at around the world always you and Myu San. Bye Tolati see you soon I hope so.

  2. Hey Cullai

    What a great way for you to keep your mind healthy by reading before bed. If you had to pick only ONE place to visit from your book, which place would you choose. Maybe you can write a blog post and share. Malie Cullai!


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