Monday, 30 August 2021

My School

I really miss my class and my friends and the whole of Team 2 I went for a walk with my family and I got sad a little bit when I went past my school.


  1. Hi Cullai!

    I am so proud of you and your awesome Blogging from home. Please keep being your awesome self! You are a role model for all the other Team 2 kids who are learning from home.

    I miss school too and hope we can be back in Team 2 soon for some more Silent Ball and other fun times. What do you miss the most? I'll make sure we do it day 1 when we're back!

    Look after yourself and your whanau!
    Ms Gaston

  2. Thank you Miss Gaston I wish we can play snake and ladders with my friends like on rainy days inside and I like silent ball too. And bring Maple to see us again please.


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